Misplaced Sympathy?

Its funny. A little girl from China murdered by a Malaysian in Singapore.
At Huang Na's wake, Sillyporeans queued up to offer
Thanks to you, Sillyporean. Huang Na's has a grand tomb as a final resting place (which I have no objections) and the family is building a mansion to live in. Meanwhile, the stepfather no longer works. (talk about marrying the right women, lesson learnt!)
However, Took's family is struggling with debts (incurred during the trial) and grief; their son will be murdered at a later date.
Thank you very much, my dear Sillyporeans.
9 Sightings:
when we give donations, its up to the recipients how to spend it. if we have so great an issue in donating, then dun donate. what use is there in donating b4 kicking a fuss on how these people apend their money. do u like others to nag at u on ur spending? if not, then let the recipients go. having survived one's own adorable daughter is bad enough. spare her the rest... i think we all need to really learn to let certain things go and shut up. am i too kind? or am i too offensive? u decide...
Of course, you are right.
But, I think we Chinese like accountability. We may have donated the money and it is theirs to spend. That doesnt mean they can wine, dine and be merry.
Its just like the NKF issue here.
Another issue here is the plight of Took's family. Its a case of suffer first enjoy later or vice versa.
Just liek wat my aunty told me (she ??), we can donate $$, but if the person wan to bluff our $$, there's nothing we can do
at least we have ???those who wan to cheat will have ????
if they had a good conscience, the parents will not build a mansion from donations they got thru her death. When people donated, it was so she could have a good burial, not to finance her parents.
What good does the money do to Huang Na as she is dead? Its not like she is a sole breadwinner whose family lost their only source of income. Definitely a case of misplaced sympathy, IMHO.
I think what we have seen here are case studies of Impression Management. Impressions that people are hard up are magnified, or rather exaggerated, by the media. As a result, the public feel the urge to give out of sympathy when in fact the proposed recipients may not need so much aid.
Problem is, we can never know how much they need to do reasonably well. Of course, if we believe in the divine, then the Divine being(s) will judge the guilty.
On the other hand, the nature of the media is to inform the public of things/events... And events that are tragic are often covered as people are drawn to things that are not ordinary. To change the media is really another big problem here. But as concerned members of the public, we should sharpen our senses and be more discerning, so that we know when to give, how much to give and when not to.
I agree with Singaportsguy Let us do our part and let the recipients of donations do theirs. Ultimately, we are to exercise our freewill in our decisions so let us not complicate things by concerning ourselves with what others' areas of responsibilities are.
Hello.. use your brain. The whole case is weird.
Took is not a killer. He run to Penang. Not because he afraid. He went back to his family. Wife and his 2 years old daughter
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